An extract from a speech by the late Sultan Qaboos bin Said, may his soul rest in peace, on the Opening the Annual Session of The Council of Oman, 31 October 2011 An extract from a speech by the late Sultan Qaboos bin Said, may his soul rest in peace, on the Opening the Annual Session of The Council of Oman, 31 October 2011


" We have always affirmed our continued attention to the development of human resources and we said that these resources take top priority in our plans and programmes as the human being is the cornerstone of every development structure and a pivotal component around which all types of development revolve as their ultimate goal is the happiness of the individual, providing him with a means of a decent living and guaranteeing his security and safety.

As youth are the present and future of the nation we gave them the attention and care they deserve throughout the years of the blessed Renaissance as the government endeavored to provide them with education, training, qualifications and employment opportunities.

The forthcoming stage will witness, with God's permission, bigger attention and greater care to provide more opportunities for the youth in order to consolidate their gain in knowledge, strengthen their talents in creation and production and increase their participation in the comprehensive development march.

 Since education is the main core of progress and development and in order to create a generation possess awareness, responsibility, experience, skill and looks forward to higher level of knowledge, there should be a comprehensive assessment of the educational process, to achieve those aspirations and to take advantage of employment opportunities in the public and private sectors".