
Based on the affirmation of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said, May Allah protect him, of the importance of linking education outputs to the requirements of the local labor market, the outcomes of several symposiums, studies and reports related to required disciplines, skills, job opportunities or numbers, the extent and diversity of the labor market, and the availability of encouraging incentives and suitable environment, the Education Council held a symposium entitled “Education, Development Trends, Current and Future Employment Opportunities in the Labor Market” in May 2017. This symposium was prepared for through conducting preparatory workshops in September 2016 and February 2017.

The symposium aimed at identifying the global trends of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and its repercussions on education and the labor market, indicating the reality of the Omani economy and its future trends and the impact of the same on education and employment, identifying the outcomes of the national project to harmonize the outputs of higher education with the needs of the labor market, developing clear and specific ideas concerning the fields and types of programs and disciplines required for the labor market and mechanisms to monitor future needs of jobs and professions in various development sectors.

The proposals and interventions of the symposium’s participants have enriched the topics discussed during the symposium which will enhance the development of clear ideas concerning the type of programs and disciplines required for the Omani labor market in the current and future periods. The Secretariat General of the Education Council has prepared a detailed report on the symposium’s outcomes and recommendations and has submitted them to the Education Council which in turn ordered to take appropriate measures regarding the symposium’s recommendations.

The report comprised 3 parts; the first part of the report is an introduction to the symposium where the symposium’s basic platforms and objectives were discussed along with its preparation steps and pivots of the symposium’s preparatory discussion workshops during which (21) working papers were submitted by the public and private sectors. The second part of the report discussed the symposium’s pivots, i.e.: the Fourth Industrial Revolution and its repercussions on the labor market and education, the reality of the Omani economy and its future trends and the impact of the same on education and employment in addition to the national project to harmonize the outputs of higher education with the needs of the labor market. The third and final part of the report touched on the recommendations including the recommendations issued by the preparatory discussion workshops together with the recommendations of the national project to harmonize the outputs of higher education with the needs of the labor market. The outcomes of recommendations were classified into 5 fields including education, employment, economy, media and community awareness in addition to structure and governance. These recommendations were revised by several entities including the symposium’s participants, technical team, an academic team from the College of Economics and Political Science in Sultan Qaboos University, and a ministerial team from the Education Council. During its 3rd meeting held in September 2017, the Education Council approved the recommendations related to the educational field and their implementation plan which will be followed up by the Secretariat General of Education council while other recommendations will be referred to the concerned entities.

It is noteworthy that the symposium achieved its set objectives. Through dialogue, some indicators and statistics related to education and employment were monitored, the future of education, employment and future trends of the economic sector during the forthcoming period and the needs of various sectors from education outputs were identified until the year 2020.